Thursday 5 February 2009

I hate to eat alone !

Chew Chin always come home late and the "late" usually will be like after 10, thus I always eat by myself after I cook. My dinner companion at home usually be the TV or the laptop. 3 meals a day with them. I feel so pathetic.

Today is my vege day and I cooked 3 dishes. I am eating dinner while blogging... goshhh.... Not sure when will I go crazy by looking at the four walls and laptop most of the time :~(.


  1. A lot of times, I also eat 3 meals infront of 4 walls & computer. For sure b'fast & lunch at my desk at work...:) Maybe next time we can share a meal over skype.

  2. Yes, let's do that. In fact, I'm having dinner now while reading this post. :)

  3. me too, everyday i only have one dish meal and eat with MM or Xiao S & Cai Kang Yong, kakaka i enjoy it

    ah b, u can put the bear bear i gave u (did u bring it to Sh) or other bear bear u have with you at the dining table...

  4. SiewChe, take it easy. guess you need to do something more than shopping for normal daily necessity. may be you can do exercise.
