Monday, 29 June 2009

Annual War

Since three years ago, I am very scared of this particular day in the year - last Saturday of June. Often, a lot of comments come out in the AGM like these.......

"Your company doens't have a system, it's so poor manage.... Board of directors don't know what they doing..... " "hmm... the Company has been incorporated for 30 years and if no system, I really don't know how they survive till now"

"What??!!?? You all got 13 million turnover and only get a net profit of 12k, mah as well no need to work. Last year you got 12 million and has 100K profit so by looking at it, next year - 2009 u said going to have 15 million, the Company sure make loses lor......" "........."

"I really think you all no need to do lah, every year also 3% dividend.... what is this?!!!??." "Since the Company incorporated, the Board has distributed more than 100% dividend plus additional bonus issued to the shareholders, technically speaking, they already got 100% back on what they invested. Despite profit or loss, the Company has been giving dividend at least 3% each year......"

Other than these very mean comments, the Management are required to show detailed profit and loss to the shareholders and explaining every big variances and the rationale of spending the money. Been questioned like we are stealing the money and I really feel like been striped naked one by one with the questions.

Attending this AGM is actually like attending a war, shareholders come in with the mindset that I AM THE INVESTOR, the Company is USING MY MONEY. MY MONEY YOU KNOW (ya, the money they invested 25-30 years ago)

Honestly, it's a culture shock and heart aching process for me to attending the AGM for the first time 3 years ago. I didn't know the existence of barbarians in this world and worse come to worse, they are my relatives. No one is perfect in this world, I understand there are some shortfalls on the Management and the communication style in the Company, however for a Company to survive for 30 years, there is a way and a reason. The Directors have been hands on to do many things, they work hard towards the bottom line for the Company, worry about the sales, the expenses and in return, they are questioned by the shareholders every year on their competency and listened to those harsh comments.

I choose to believe in past life, my father must have did something bad towards these people and this life is the repayment and get all these disrespect acts from them. The AGM is really haunted me since I set my foot there 3 years ago. Even so, I know I will still attending in future and I just want to be there, not as a shareholder or director, just as a daughter to protect my father.

Sunday, 21 June 2009



有时想想,不如弄一条小狗陪伴我,但我知道我不是宠物爱好者。甭说宠物,连花草树木我都不动。我没有耐心,也没爱心。 那还是一个人吧。 希望大少爷可以陪我终老。 也希望老了有间 LAO LANG KENG (老人院)住满一群我的朋友们。 BKBK, 真的是时候开始我们的LLK 计划。

First 6 hours in Penang

I reached Penang around 4 pm today and these are the food I ate till now.

Thursday, 18 June 2009







Monday, 15 June 2009







现在的我, 无名火开始。。。。。。
“我想介绍。。。。*slam the phone* ”

*slam the phone*

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Chefs around me

God must be love me in some way because He knows my cooking sucks. :P Since we move to Shanghai, we often get invited to have makan session in friend's house. I have good chefs around me even away from home.

We were lucky enough and served with big feast, lovely home cook food or even Malaysian style nasi lemak meal. Very often, I am too excited to see the good food and forgot to take pictures. I only managed or remembered to take 2 photos out of so many good meals.

Since a friend left me a package of Prima Taste Chicken Rice pack before she left, I guess it's time to return the treat back to my friends. But Chew Chin said, ARE YOU SURE?!!!???

Ohh well, there will always be the first time.



前天也买了小碟子方便我把大少爷的菜肴放进 steamwok 里。 美丽的碟,看了也好吃!(臭美!)下午捎个sms说明天突然要去沈阳 day trip, 一定有很多准备,今晚也不知道要几点回家了。



Dream Dream Dream

I have been dreaming so often these days and make me so tired every morning when I wake up. I really don't know what's wrong with me.

Friend suggested that I should go exercise. Yes I do, I go yoga almost everyday if I am free. Physically I am tired indeed but mentally I am not, maybe that is the problem.

Friend said I am too stress. Yes, definitely. Stress because I am a "siu lai lai", stress been stress free. Errr... what am I talking?!!???

Gosh.... Can anyone please teach me how? I don't want to have any dream at night, I just want a dream free night with deep sound sleep like Little Ray Ern. :(

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Kin Boh Tit 篇

可怜的大少爷最近工作很累,虽然只是小小的一间办公室,但需要包山包海。说真的,以前在 Corporate Finance, 怎样都是一个 professional。现在, 公司的帐到行政,都要烦,应该很不惯,心里也会不平衡。中国在马来西亚有什么风吹草动,都关他的事。一通电话,喂,你好,你去查看,他就要从各方面下手。

由于无能的我还没办法找到工,每天吃喝玩乐,虽然生活还可以过,怎样都好,现在只有 sole income, 暗地里应该给大少爷少少压力,少少负担。 往往给家用,都会说,省点用,不要整天淘宝,逛街。有时看到我纳闷,会问,是我连累了你吗?他也会问,你想不想回去呢?半年了,我还是没早落, 现在情况还不乐观,大少爷也开始说,不然两年后我们回去了,你都没有找到工作。

或许应该是在这里累坏了吧,或许看我有时真的 kin boh tit,应该觉得对不起我。在还没来之前,兴致勃勃希望可以在这里发展,有机会还会待几年。那我何尝也不是连累了他吗?

Monday, 8 June 2009



Sunday, 7 June 2009

A Great Company for a week

My second younger sista - Yee Ming was here with me for a week. Initial plan, my parents and the youngest sista would be flying in 4 days after her to visit me in Shanghai. However due to my dad's operation and H1N1, they canceled their trip. Since Yee Ming was flying from Singapore, thus she stayed tune with her trip.

Therefore, I got a free Ahyi for a week. Muakakaka. She helped me to carry stuff when did grocery shopping, she cooked for me, she hanged the laundry for me. This is what you call "Tai Kar Che". Muakaka, of coz I did bring her out and her good 大姐夫 also gave her some allowances to shopping. Among three sistas, she is the closest to me, in terms of talking topics and preferences in things. Now she was back and I am alone again. :~(

There are some pictures to share.
*whisper* people said we don't look like 8 years age gap difference :D

Saturday, 6 June 2009




总而言之, 我就是不会。

Friday, 5 June 2009


三个星期前,中国又决定 block 了 blogspot。无所事事的我,读博客,写博客已是我每天的工作,真的是晴天霹雳。还好,贵人 - 晓慧相助,让我重见天日。
这三个星期,上网好像被绑手绑脚,除了 facebook 和 e-mail, 哪里也不能去,非常懊恼!!
原来人失去自由,是非常痛苦。 原来人做错事,囚禁应该是最好的处罚。

Thursday, 4 June 2009


我回来啦 !!!!

I am BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!