Wednesday 25 March 2009


It's been nearly 5 months and I am still UNPRODUCTIVE. Thus, I've been searching around for short courses and found out Japanese and Korean learning are quite popular here. After much consideration and "courage" (yeah, study needs courage!), I signed up a short course to learn basic Japanese.
From this Friday onwards, I will be attending class on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6.30pm to 9.30pm for around three months. As per agreed, they let me to suspense my course if I am away for long period or replace to any class if I skip my initial class. Hehe, this is my main concern. O_O

Will I continue for my job searching? Frankly, I don't see my chance to get one. Just let's see and wait for my CALL.


  1. 找工作, 不要气馁, 加油哦!

  2. 谢谢!什么样的油都加了,只是没地方让我燃烧。。。。。。

  3. You still have to keep on looking for job.... whether u need to money or not, working is a time you keep up with the society. Else you will be neglected by the society.
