Monday 2 March 2009


我家大少爷一口气在鹿港小镇买了十粒台式肉粽,在店里吃RMB16一个, 外带只是RMB10,买十粒并多送甜辣酱。大少爷是 typical Malaysian stomach,早餐是咸口味,不能天天面包,麦片,pancake, cereals; 最好来个炒米粉,汤面,nasi lemak, roti canai, 但我无能为力。那肉粽就是他的早餐。

还好,家婆,家翁来了,应该可以两天搞惦那十粒台式肉粽, 不然肥死我了。


1 comment:

  1. 鹿港小镇 is my favourite hang out place while i was in Beijing. I like the food and the desert there : )
    If your man wants to eat roti canai, you might able to get it from the supermarket. i bought b4, the frozen one. put it in the oven and grill it... hmmm.... not bad too...
