Tuesday, 29 December 2009


Anyone can guess what I want to show in this picture? I took it in the subway. :P

Let It Snow

Shanghai was snowing on Sunday. I can't capture the snowing screen with my phone and luckily I still can catch it with my hand :).

Monday, 7 December 2009

分享 - 伍思凯


A letter to Hai Ning

Dearest Hai Ning,

Thousand words in my mind and yet I don't know where to start. I know you have sleep problem but it's not the time for you to sleep so long. Please wake up. The last call that I made to you was 31st October, after your Halloween Party 5am. You were pretty mad at me because I called you so early where you just slept at 3. You even e-mailed me with your "kicking leg like a kid" expression and scolded me. You said you are going to revenge and I am waiting for it.

You've gone for US for the past 12 years and without fail, every year Pks receive your birthday wishes via traditional post mail method. I have mine this year which dated on 18 Nov the date you sent out. I guess it's few days before you went to Tanzania. I didn't get to check on my letterbox until 3 days ago. Honestly, I thought you have forgotten me as I take it for granted for your birthday wishes and assume to be mandatory to receive from you. And yet you never fail us and I don't want to it to be my last birthday wishes from you.

You always sentimental and remember every tits and bits of your single life. Memories always fail me and I wish you always there to remind me. You always wish that every Pk will come and visit you in Cali and I always "say" I wanted to. Can you hand in there for me to pay a visit? I promise no matter what, I will go, OK? and you must fulfil your promise too as you told me you wanted to visit me in Shanghai.

Hai Ning, my dear Hai Ning, please, our last meeting was during my wedding and where is our yearly meet up now? You know I am very garang and you wouldn't wan to see me scold you !!!!!!!

Ah B

Sunday, 6 December 2009



Tuesday, 24 November 2009

家 家 家


Saturday, 7 November 2009



Thursday, 1 October 2009



Sunday, 20 September 2009



Saturday, 19 September 2009


很开心大少爷拿了一盒月饼回来。哦,终于有月饼吃了,还是 coffee bean 的咯。

还以为是大多数是咖啡味,发觉只有一粒小的是咖啡, 大的白莲蓉,其他的是:
。。。 香辣牛肉。。。香葱叉烧。。。芙蓉肉松。。。

Saturday, 12 September 2009



“generate report”, 是“倒报表”;
“去想想,给ideal”,要说 “思路,思路一下”;
“print out”是打印,“e-mail给你”是发了给你;
复杂要说 “fu3za2";

讲话时,要尽量用完整的中文,不能加入不惯用的英文或我们马来西亚的leh, neh,偶尔的alamak, kanasai都会被增大的眼睛瞪,似说 lu kong mai kai !


Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Need to move apartment soon in mid of Oct. Now, we started our packing and believe me, this is solely things in my second room. We still have things from living room, master bedroom and kitchen to pack. OHHH DEAR.....................

Monday, 31 August 2009


今天不知道为什么,没有什么胃口(别想歪),可能前几天吃太多了,星期六和友人去了 Sun With Aqua 吃 brunch, 晚上又去了什么马来西亚国庆宴会在香格里拉酒店, Malaysia food buffet, 有咖哩鸡, 虾面,海南鸡饭,satay, laksa,lok lok somemore 等等,。当然不能 expect 好像家乡的味道,不过还可以。 星期日又吃了湖南菜。现在, 有点提不起劲吃东西。


Thursday, 27 August 2009

I am very SOFT

I was told a story.

Everyday, a little boy was playing happily with his cousins who are back from UK.
One day, the cousin, Christopher was cycling and the little boy was riding pillion on the bicycle. Don't know what happen the bike flipped and the little boy fell down to the staircase about 3 storeys high as they were at the second level living room. He CRIED so hard and the mummy quickly consoled him and put some oilment on his head. However, the hong so genes was in there and he immediately got off from the lap and told the mummy, "I need to go back to find Christopher because I need to play....."

So the mummy followed him and when the little boy met Christopher, he told him, "You have to be careful with me, because I am very soft".................

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Whatever will be will be

Long long ago, a daddy asked a son,
"What you want to be when you grow up?"
"..... I ... I want to be a girl....."
"WHAT??!?? You are a boy, cannot be a girl, you can choose either to be a doctor, a lawyer..."
"I want to be a doctor"
"Ok, good boy!" (Daddy *sweat*)

Not long ago, a son talked to a mummy
"Mummy, I want to be a bumble bee."
"Why you want to be a bumble bee?"
"Because I can fly here and fly there."
"Oh, good." (At least not a GIRL, *phew*)

Recently, the mummy showed a new pair of high heels to the son,
"Hey, the shoes nice or not?"
"Yes, Mummy. I want to have it."
"Ohh.. you cannot have it"
"Because you are a boy boy, only girl girl can wear this."
"Then, I want to be a girl girl when I grow up."
Ohh no Mummy is having cold feet again.......

Who knows, one day maybe he will become SECOND Jimmy Choo.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Never empty bag

Let's say in a week,
7 tops + 7 bottoms + 7 under wears = 21,
Then, 3 (weekends clothes or kai kai clothes) + 4 (stay home clothes) + 3 bottoms = 9
So one person = 30 pieces of laundry per week and two will be 60 pieces.
I am doing 3 times laundry per week which means each time 20 pieces.....
AND my laundry bag still never empty ....... headache....

P/S : ohh I still have two pieces of towels to change per week, 1 set of bed sheets and cover in a fortnight.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009



之前,看了北京这么多宫,去了苏州水乡,不知道是不是看了太多的中国式庭院和水乡,有点反胃了,我都没有那种哇,哦的感觉。可能这些水乡都变了旅游景点,太 commercialize 了。

同样的小桥,流水,人家, 为什么在 Amsterdam 会想要在那里终老呢,有很舒服的感觉,而这里,还是免了罢。是从洋,还是外国的月亮比较圆?不过,中国风,还真的不适合我。

图片 :上 - 同里, 下 - Amsterdam by Beh Kim


第一星期上班,到了 mid week 真的有点累了。
每天都好多 information load 进脑子里。

Thursday, 6 August 2009

It's just NOT MY DAY

Today I had worst “BIG HEAD PRAWN” incidents in my life.

This morning, after sending off my parent, I realised my handphone wasn't with me. The last call I made was to the van driver and I suspect I must have drop it off in the van or worst come to worst in the airport. I tried to make few calls to Chew Chin but he was bathing that time and I also made the calls to my hand phone and it was still ringing. After few attempts I couldn't get hold of anyone, I decided to take the Maglev back and that time was around 9am. During the transit of Maglev and subway, I tried to get hold of two public phones and all were out of service!!! When I reached the Lujiazhui subway, I also faced two broke down public phones. Apparently, all the public phones are not functioning except the one in AIRPORT. Left me no choice, I headed to Chew Chin office around 9.30am. While I saw him in office and he told me that van driver called him and he is still in AIRPORT to pick up a passenger who will reach around 11am and only able to get back the hand phone to me after 1pm. What kind of punishment is this, I really want to CEKIK myself. As I have an appointment with the consultant company at 2pm, I need to get the hand phone. Thus, I took a cab and speed to the airport by 11am. Finally, I was HOME around 12pm and spent RMB435 for the total to and fro.

After resting and washing, I decided to take 1pm shuttle van to Puxi since the van route will be stopped nearby at the consultant company. Once I hopped into the van, immediately I realised that I left my passport. Again, I off from the van, went back home and took the 1.30pm van to go. Luckily, I took the earlier van and had sufficient time; else I need to take cab to Puxi.

After the meeting, I got back home at 4pm. I was very tired as I slept at 1am yesterday and woke up at 6am and took a nap. In the midst, I was struggling whether I should go to my Japanese class or not because I skipped the Tuesday class and didn't do revision at all. After much procrastinating, I woke up at 5.30pm and decided to go. When I left my condo and heading to the venue, the rain started AND I was searching my umbrella high and low and again, I didn’t bring it out. I had to return and get it. However, when I stepped out again, it’s actually STOP. Ok, cool, I was telling myself just continued with it. About to reach my centre, I stopped by at the McD to grab my dinner. When it’s my turn, I tried to search for my purse before ordering and to no avail, no trail of it inside my bag. I am not sure whether I LEFT IT again or been pickpocket because at one time, my bag was unzip after I searched for my umbrella and there are too many people walking past. After the two incidents, I think things happened for their reasons so I decided to go home to check and tuang my class.

Once I reached home, I saw my purse happily lying inside my other bag because I changed my bag.

What’s wrong with me TODAY and I really had enough. Cross my finger and hope I have a better day tomorrow as it’s the first day of work.


You Are My Sunshine

Yepieee.... Finally, I see a ray of sunshine. Finally, with all the helps and supports, I got a JOB.

I can, I can I can......... I can have more flexibilities to buy or to spend on anything when I earn my own MONEY. :D

AND I can smell my Greece Islands in 4 years time too. Muakakakaka

(photo : Nan Fen)

Monday, 3 August 2009


来了上海半年,去了豫园走了几次, 而豫园里面其实还没进去过 (因为要给钱), 城隍庙呢,今天才第一次进。 明天需要一点 luck, 临时抱佛脚, 不知道行得通吗,就试一试吧。

Tuesday, 28 July 2009



Wednesday, 22 July 2009


今天去了恒隆广场办公楼参加 CPA seminar (需要上课维持我的 profession),刚好是下班时间,看着人家,都会莫名其妙的羡慕起来。有时,我会羡慕,没有工已不是单单没收入这样简单了。不知何时,自卑和自尊一点一点的累积。

我会羡慕友人有份好工,高薪,坐上经理或 controller 之类,虽然有血有汗,但我什么都不是,小小的师奶,洗衣烧饭。
我会羡慕友人有同事,多了生活圈子,还有人陪吃午饭。 我只在家里范围琢磨,电脑和 TV 是我的午饭良伴。
我会羡慕友人打扮花枝招展上班,sales 的时候去血拼。 我没借口买化妆品,sales 的时候,很多次看了想了都放回去,我不能说我不够衣上班,我不需要多几双上班鞋。
我会羡慕友人有上司,好表现,有赞赏,有被认同的自信。 当然,也有被骂的时候,也有 low morale。
我会羡慕友人有 meeting, 可以 brain storming,遇到工作困难,可以一一迎刃而解, 可以加强知识和人事经验,有那种 job 和 self satisfaction 的感觉。 我只能问到少爷,好不好吃?味道怎样?

我想很多人应该很想揍我。Pi Piak, 我帮你们打了我两巴掌。

Monday, 20 July 2009

Adventurous Kitchen

I've been very hardworking in the kitchen since I got back. Maybe it's a long rest after 3 weeks I didn't go into Kitchen (ha, I don't need to do housework too) or I just feel guilty to left my husband alone and eating outside for 3 weeks. :P I am not a good cook but definitely an adventurous chef. I like to try new things. Of cause, there will always risk that I need to throw away my food. But I am 打不死的小强.

First, Agar agar, yummy, I know it's a very simple dish but this is my first try though. I always just ask my mum to made for me whenever I feel like eating it. Sorry no mama in Shanghai. I was looking up and down for the pandan leaves. I tried Carrefour and Lotus but fruitlessly. My last hope was the Citishop as they are selling all the imported goods. Phew luckily I found it as you can see in my previous post and the mandarin name is quite funny - 露兜叶 as in "show stomach leaves"??!!?? I was trying to find the longan can or lychee can too. FYI, there aren't any in Shanghai, I tried most of the supermarkets. Boh huat, thus I have to use the mix fruits. The agar agar turns out to be quite good, not too sweat and the texture too. My testers said PASS !

The second is the Char Siew, ha, keng chao le, I saw this recipe in Ohbin's website and wanted to try. Finally, I saw a good belly strips in Lotus and decided to buy and try it. How is the taste? Well, I think the pork is too thick, should find a thinner as the pork smell is a bit heavy. Overall, Chew Chin said still acceptable. I also bought some small pork strips to marinade and still in the freezer, maybe the pork strips will be nicer. However, I couldn't find the 麦芽糖 thus I took honey as the substitution.

Lastly, my proud presentation of the "Bi Kuey" as in Rice Kiuh. My grandma used to make the best Bi Kuey in the world and only can find in the Chan's family. This is the home made dish. It's actually quite fattening and oily but the taste is so GOOD. Pardon me for the outlook of my bi kuey as I still can't get the perfect way to make it nice but the taste is there. The first row is the first attempt and it's look quite cacat. I can't get the ingredient stick together and once i put into the pan they separated. Thus, I had to call my aunt in Singapore and asked her what's wrong with that. She asked me to put more flour and drained the water. Finally, I got a better looking shape (as in the second row).

Ingredients : overnight rice, tapioca flour, dried prawns (虾米), peanuts, a bit of salt and pepper

Method :
1. Mix the overnight rice with tapioca flour (sufficient to cover most of the rice), dried prawns, salt and pepper. Spring a little bit of water to make it moist enough until it's sticky (not too much)
2. Roll the mixed ingredients into a ball then flatten it, put peanuts on top.
3. Heat the pan and oil. Put the flatten rice kuih into the pan and fry and turn it until golden brown. Don't fry too long as the rice will be harden.

Sunday, 19 July 2009


Bravo Beh Kim ! You are CORRECT !

Friday, 17 July 2009


猜中我请小笼包。 不可以 google 啊!



不知所谓, 每天至少接了1通这样的电话,我已很客气了告诉他们,没有李阿姨,搬走了,很客气的告他们,我没有玩股票。但,他们还会问,为什么没玩股票呢。我真的,真的,要骂 KNS!!! 再来,老娘是不好惹的!!!!!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


大少爷说,我的金丝雀回巢了。之前在家无所事事,有人供养, 没有发胖,还瘦的呢,反而放生了三个星期,重了三公斤。这只雀应该是不适合待在家里, 还是出去飞翔好。 可是爱美的金丝雀要瘦,所以懊恼,懊恼,很懊恼。

Tuesday, 14 July 2009


我有一班特别好玩的朋友,每年都计划去旅行,不怕你没人陪,只怕你没时间,你没钱。这班 认识超过20年的朋友,什么性格,什么怪癖, 大约可以捉摸。 只是人老了,脾气很快暴躁, 火花也纷纷爆发,不过都不损友谊,还会加强彼此的了解。有相士说, 1978年的马,多数有点头风,有点神经志, 好玩,往往向外奔跑。 哈,这就是我们。 I miss you gals.. sobs sobs

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Another round of blocking

Just heard from Chew Chin, China is blocking the facebook. Yeah, no blogger, no twitter, no wordpress and now NO FACEBOOK !!!!!! I really hope that by the time I got back, I still can access to facebook and blogger through the VPN.

Pray hard, pray very very hard.

Laptop KAPUT

Sobs, my laptop doesn't want to boot this morning. Luckily my aunt from Penang is in Singapore and will be back tomorrow. I have no choice to send back Penang for repairing. Cross my finger, I hope it can get it done by this Saturday and ask someone to bring back to KL for me on Sunday. The worst thing is I DIDN'T BACK UP MY STUFFFFFFFF... really kns!!!!


Wednesday, 1 July 2009


我是CPS..... chao sim pu, 很会跑的 CSP。
打从昨天回来KL, 晚上我约了友人。今天午,晚餐,又在外和友人享用。我还不敢告诉家婆,我明天晚上也约了人,星期五午,晚餐和星期六午餐也约了友人。 而且,星期日我就要去新加坡了。去新加坡了, 又去 kuching,12号回来,14号就会回去上海。我想13号应该会乖乖在家吧。

不知道我家翁几时会赠我一句,“si pek gao zao hor, 你当家里是酒店啊?!!?”

Monday, 29 June 2009

Annual War

Since three years ago, I am very scared of this particular day in the year - last Saturday of June. Often, a lot of comments come out in the AGM like these.......

"Your company doens't have a system, it's so poor manage.... Board of directors don't know what they doing..... " "hmm... the Company has been incorporated for 30 years and if no system, I really don't know how they survive till now"

"What??!!?? You all got 13 million turnover and only get a net profit of 12k, mah as well no need to work. Last year you got 12 million and has 100K profit so by looking at it, next year - 2009 u said going to have 15 million, the Company sure make loses lor......" "........."

"I really think you all no need to do lah, every year also 3% dividend.... what is this?!!!??." "Since the Company incorporated, the Board has distributed more than 100% dividend plus additional bonus issued to the shareholders, technically speaking, they already got 100% back on what they invested. Despite profit or loss, the Company has been giving dividend at least 3% each year......"

Other than these very mean comments, the Management are required to show detailed profit and loss to the shareholders and explaining every big variances and the rationale of spending the money. Been questioned like we are stealing the money and I really feel like been striped naked one by one with the questions.

Attending this AGM is actually like attending a war, shareholders come in with the mindset that I AM THE INVESTOR, the Company is USING MY MONEY. MY MONEY YOU KNOW (ya, the money they invested 25-30 years ago)

Honestly, it's a culture shock and heart aching process for me to attending the AGM for the first time 3 years ago. I didn't know the existence of barbarians in this world and worse come to worse, they are my relatives. No one is perfect in this world, I understand there are some shortfalls on the Management and the communication style in the Company, however for a Company to survive for 30 years, there is a way and a reason. The Directors have been hands on to do many things, they work hard towards the bottom line for the Company, worry about the sales, the expenses and in return, they are questioned by the shareholders every year on their competency and listened to those harsh comments.

I choose to believe in past life, my father must have did something bad towards these people and this life is the repayment and get all these disrespect acts from them. The AGM is really haunted me since I set my foot there 3 years ago. Even so, I know I will still attending in future and I just want to be there, not as a shareholder or director, just as a daughter to protect my father.

Sunday, 21 June 2009



有时想想,不如弄一条小狗陪伴我,但我知道我不是宠物爱好者。甭说宠物,连花草树木我都不动。我没有耐心,也没爱心。 那还是一个人吧。 希望大少爷可以陪我终老。 也希望老了有间 LAO LANG KENG (老人院)住满一群我的朋友们。 BKBK, 真的是时候开始我们的LLK 计划。

First 6 hours in Penang

I reached Penang around 4 pm today and these are the food I ate till now.

Thursday, 18 June 2009







Monday, 15 June 2009







现在的我, 无名火开始。。。。。。
“我想介绍。。。。*slam the phone* ”

*slam the phone*

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Chefs around me

God must be love me in some way because He knows my cooking sucks. :P Since we move to Shanghai, we often get invited to have makan session in friend's house. I have good chefs around me even away from home.

We were lucky enough and served with big feast, lovely home cook food or even Malaysian style nasi lemak meal. Very often, I am too excited to see the good food and forgot to take pictures. I only managed or remembered to take 2 photos out of so many good meals.

Since a friend left me a package of Prima Taste Chicken Rice pack before she left, I guess it's time to return the treat back to my friends. But Chew Chin said, ARE YOU SURE?!!!???

Ohh well, there will always be the first time.



前天也买了小碟子方便我把大少爷的菜肴放进 steamwok 里。 美丽的碟,看了也好吃!(臭美!)下午捎个sms说明天突然要去沈阳 day trip, 一定有很多准备,今晚也不知道要几点回家了。



Dream Dream Dream

I have been dreaming so often these days and make me so tired every morning when I wake up. I really don't know what's wrong with me.

Friend suggested that I should go exercise. Yes I do, I go yoga almost everyday if I am free. Physically I am tired indeed but mentally I am not, maybe that is the problem.

Friend said I am too stress. Yes, definitely. Stress because I am a "siu lai lai", stress been stress free. Errr... what am I talking?!!???

Gosh.... Can anyone please teach me how? I don't want to have any dream at night, I just want a dream free night with deep sound sleep like Little Ray Ern. :(

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Kin Boh Tit 篇

可怜的大少爷最近工作很累,虽然只是小小的一间办公室,但需要包山包海。说真的,以前在 Corporate Finance, 怎样都是一个 professional。现在, 公司的帐到行政,都要烦,应该很不惯,心里也会不平衡。中国在马来西亚有什么风吹草动,都关他的事。一通电话,喂,你好,你去查看,他就要从各方面下手。

由于无能的我还没办法找到工,每天吃喝玩乐,虽然生活还可以过,怎样都好,现在只有 sole income, 暗地里应该给大少爷少少压力,少少负担。 往往给家用,都会说,省点用,不要整天淘宝,逛街。有时看到我纳闷,会问,是我连累了你吗?他也会问,你想不想回去呢?半年了,我还是没早落, 现在情况还不乐观,大少爷也开始说,不然两年后我们回去了,你都没有找到工作。

或许应该是在这里累坏了吧,或许看我有时真的 kin boh tit,应该觉得对不起我。在还没来之前,兴致勃勃希望可以在这里发展,有机会还会待几年。那我何尝也不是连累了他吗?

Monday, 8 June 2009



Sunday, 7 June 2009

A Great Company for a week

My second younger sista - Yee Ming was here with me for a week. Initial plan, my parents and the youngest sista would be flying in 4 days after her to visit me in Shanghai. However due to my dad's operation and H1N1, they canceled their trip. Since Yee Ming was flying from Singapore, thus she stayed tune with her trip.

Therefore, I got a free Ahyi for a week. Muakakaka. She helped me to carry stuff when did grocery shopping, she cooked for me, she hanged the laundry for me. This is what you call "Tai Kar Che". Muakaka, of coz I did bring her out and her good 大姐夫 also gave her some allowances to shopping. Among three sistas, she is the closest to me, in terms of talking topics and preferences in things. Now she was back and I am alone again. :~(

There are some pictures to share.
*whisper* people said we don't look like 8 years age gap difference :D

Saturday, 6 June 2009




总而言之, 我就是不会。

Friday, 5 June 2009


三个星期前,中国又决定 block 了 blogspot。无所事事的我,读博客,写博客已是我每天的工作,真的是晴天霹雳。还好,贵人 - 晓慧相助,让我重见天日。
这三个星期,上网好像被绑手绑脚,除了 facebook 和 e-mail, 哪里也不能去,非常懊恼!!
原来人失去自由,是非常痛苦。 原来人做错事,囚禁应该是最好的处罚。

Thursday, 4 June 2009


我回来啦 !!!!

I am BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 15 May 2009



其实现在天气都很好,还来不及享受春天的气氛,听说现在已经入夏。 到了周末,俱乐部的人造沙滩都会有很多人开始“晒太阳”,孩子们的戏水玩乐的笑声都可以传到我家窗前。 我的三点式应该可以出场了,哈哈!

回来了一星期,老娘休息够了。有高人指点,我应该搜集一些“气”在家,旺一旺我的找工运和好运。下星期我很空闲,需要出门找一找高人指定的物品。 我来了!宅女要出巡了!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009






Lomantic Chicken Rice Dinner

I have been eyeing on this Ohbin's recipe on Hainanese Chicken Rice for quite sometimes but don't have time to try. Since I just came back from my home trip and have been refreshed without 2 weeks cooking, I decided to give a try and we had a "lomantic" chicken rice dinner for the actual date of our registration anniversary. :D
Since just two of us, I bought two drumsticks for the meal. Based on Ohbin's recipe, I actually boiled the chicken, then soaked into cold water and it turned out to be quite nice, neither undercook or "old". For the chicken rice, it's a little bit less aroma perhaps not enough garlic and onion as well as oil (I put not much oil to fry it). I also boiled an ABC soup which is my all time favourite.

Chew Chin only gave me 7 marks out of 10 because I've yet to learn how to prepare the chicken rice chili sauce. Duhh......
Yes, I need a full set of meal including the must have sauces to impress him.

Monday, 11 May 2009

M on the Bund

I was bugging Chew Chin to bring me to Jean Georges, however, after surveyed and looked at the average pricing of RMB600 per person, he offered to bring me to M on the Bund for brunch. This is our second time to go M on the Bund. The first was with his friends when they visited us last year and we had our New year Eve dinner. It was a pleasant dinner however due to New Year Eve crowd, they only offered limited courses.

Yesterday, we re-visited the restaurant and this time is a weekend brunch. There is a balcony outside where you can you sit down and enjoy the panoramic view from the Bund to Pudong and you must make reservation for that in order to get a good seat. However, it's not highly recommend for brunch as the sun is actually sit on top of your head and summer in Shanghai is not a joke. They offer high tea for weekend as well, perhaps can have a try next time and I think the weather will be just nice after 3.

The brunch menu comes with some selections. You can choose a 2 courses with cocktail and "limitless" tea or coffee for RMB218 per person or 3 courses for RMB258 per person. Can have a guess on what we ordered from the pictures.

I ordered a starter and main course and the portions were too big until I was too full to get my all the time favourite - dessert :~(. I was asking Chew Chin whether am I a fool if next time I am going to order a starter and a dessert :P.

You must be wondering why we suddenly indulged ourselves for the fine dine. Yeah, just to celebrate our first year registration anniversary which falls on 11 May :D.

Monday, 4 May 2009



Wednesday, 29 April 2009


回到家乡了,但有点忙。 一回到家,老爸竟然叫我拿他的公事包去医院; 见了他,竟然一一交待我办事。是好事,因为我可以让老爸信任; 是坏事,是否老爸身旁没有能让他交待的人。

其实我不是一个称职的女儿。妹妹每晚都去医院陪老爸,如果我在,是不是有这种能耐。老爸希望女儿们都在身旁,可是我早早就计划逃之夭夭。孩子当中,我应该是最不贴心一个, 在外闯荡徘徊,都不愿回家。回了家三年,嫁了又和夫君远走高飞。 呜呼哀哉。。。。。。


Tuesday, 21 April 2009


爸病了,肝发炎, 不能进食,进院治疗了。
眼睛又开始痛了, 每当这时候,心情简直差级了!!
Life is so sucks.................

Sunday, 19 April 2009

I need to go HEALTH



去颐和园, 收财气;
去恭王府 (

希望如此,重要的是,和重要的人一起,家人朋友, 快乐,平安,健康!


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Hiccups before departure

My flight to Beijing was delayed due to foggy weather. Some flights were canceled on the previous night and when we reached the airport the following morning around 7.30am, the departure hall was full of people and all flights had been delayed to further notice. The arrival hall was totally cleared as no landing flights at all for about 3-4 hours as well as departure flights.
Our flight had been delayed about 7 hours. I guess that day Pudong Airport was in havoc because they need to re-arrange the delayed flights and also the normal scheduled flights.
First hiccup : Barriers in zigzag line can be break though. One zigzag line in queue can actually split into various lines and line directly to the counters. Brrhhhh TIC ----> This is China.

Second hiccup : Our same gate "partner", Wenzhou flight was landed in Hongjiao Airport and passengers were asked to go there by bus provided by airline. People started to questioning:

我们人在这里,为什么飞机去虹矫? (All passangers are here, why the plane went to Hongjiao?) - They really don't understand why the plane cannot board or just don't want to understand??!!??

叫你们的领导来,你不能做主,你给我滚!(Ask your management to come, if you can't have a say, just go!) *经理来了* 你能不能做主,如果不能,也给我滚!(*The manager came* If you can't have a say, you also GO! I want to see your top management) - speechless

飞机是死的,人是活的,就不能安排飞机过来,为什么我们要过去?(Literally saying, plane is dead object, human is active, you can make arrangement, why we have to go?) - even speechless
Third hiccup : Finally, we got in our plane, however still need to wait for our time slot to fly. People get frustrated and started to stand up and scold. The pilot actually had to come out and talked to those people. Some good ones that commented by those people:

为什么要等这样久?都已经好了,还不能飞?(Why we can't fly now since we already ready?) - Again, they don't understand and just simply don't want to understand why the plane needs to wait !

这样久,我不要飞了,我要退票,退票!!! (I don't want to wait anymore, I don't want to fly, I want refund, I want to get down!!!!) - huh, you are already on board

It's a true experience to see how these people scolding and beyond words to describe it. You need a very high EQ to handle those locals. Really tough to answer those questions and seriously need you to think OUT of the box.

Back from Beijing Trip

I am back from Beijing trip. Totally exhausted and tired. It was a great trip overall and I am so busy now.
Busy to unpack and do the laundry.
Busy to get enough rest for my tiring legs and body.
Busy to upload my photos and share my trip.
Busy to check facebook and other friends' status when I was away.
Busy to read blogs and update my blog.
Busy to refill my fridge and grocery.
Busy to do visiting to my cousin's family.
Busy to apply jobs again.
Busy to buy things from Taobao for friends and myself.
Most importantly, busy to pack again for my trip back to hometown end of this MONTH.
Hip hip horay....... :D

Friday, 10 April 2009

Or Or , おいし (Black black, oishi)

Those who know me well would definitely know that I love food with black soya sauce. The darker the better ! FYI, there isn't any store selling the black soya sauce in Shanghai. I was looking high and low from Walmart, Lotus, Carrefour to Citishop, and no sign at all. Thus, I managed to bring back a bottle when my last trip back for CNY and I am so glad with it. :D
Here my favourite dish with black soya sauce, Or Bak with Potatoes , oishi !!!!

Thursday, 9 April 2009


上 回去了宋庆龄故居,这次也应该去她的伟人丈夫,孙中山故居。友人的阿公曾经是前国名党和三民主义青年团党员。 阿公也在槟城创办了孙中山博物院,因为经费问题,博物院还没正式开幕,不过也会开放给有兴趣的公众。 友人来到了上海,去了孙中山故居,也应该照个相给阿公看一看。故居里都告诉我们孙中山的革命历史,很佩服这伟人的远见在于发展中国内地的交通线和主要的经济概念。
不过,老实说,比较吸引我们的是那美丽的后院,人也寥寥无几,我们都很开心的轮流拍照, bollywood 一番,哈。。。。。。

Wishes From Far Away Land

I have some friends who always send postcards while they travel and I am always lucky to be one of the recipients. I just received one postcard from Mexico the day before and so excited. I thought it was the recent trip that my friend went and was wondering why this time the postcard arrived so fast. Manatahu, when I read the content, it's written "......I hope this postcard arrives before CNY and Gong Xi FaCai......" I was like errr errrr, OK.
Apparently, there are always delay in mail via postcards. I received a postcard from Malaysia which took one month and another one from Tanzania and it took about three months. Why is it taking so long for postcard to arrive? I think they must have detour to "Holland" then only come to Shanghai.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


为了坐那已包在屋租的免费班车 (刚好会停在大少爷公司附近, 每10分钟一趟),我必须在六点送去,赶在七点前最后班车。那只好随随便便来个番茄蛋,炒个长豆和猪柳青椒海鲜酱。还可以吧?

Monday, 6 April 2009

南汇桃花村 Peach Blossom

Flowers flowers, YES FLOWERS !!!!

Sunday, 5 April 2009








Saturday, 4 April 2009


就因为甲友人有access to Executive Floor Lounge

我们真的被雷到了,真的言语无法形容,只能 WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH。。。。。。

Monday, 30 March 2009


友人来上海游玩,一起去了世纪公园赏花。美好的天气,凉风阵阵吹, 不过现在的天气还是有点冷。公园好大,之前走了一整天,有点懒惰,于是租了所谓的四人逍遥车, RMB80/hour 一辆。可惜忘了带相机,友人的SLR camera 电池又 flat了,只好用手机。有人陪你癫,发花癫,是很不错的!

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Paparazzi Weekend

It's tired to be paparazzi. Good Night !

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Mexican Canai Burrito

Yesterday, we had a Mexican Canai Burrito Night. Yipa yipa angkeleh......

My friend recommended me a grocery shop in Citibank Building, name CitiShop. Citishop sells a lot of imported goods especially western goodies. While I was checking out their things, found out this burrito seasoning mix. Since I have bought frozen "roti canai" last week, thus decided to have mixed culture combination. During evening time, I happily called Chew Chin and told him tonight to be back earlier as I cook "ho liao". Haha, actually he is just a white mice of mine.

It's pretty easy. Stir fried the chicken strips with onion, pour in the mixed seasoning with water. Let it boils around 10 minutes and till the sauce is thicken. I have bought some frozen potato wedges as well, just put it in the oven for 25 minutes, sprinkles some cheese on top. Dinner is served!


一向 light sleep 的我,本来每次因为大少爷的鼻鼾声而半夜会醒,通常都会摇一摇他,昨夜还为了大少爷的沉沉呼吸声而我无法入眠,难道叫他不用呼吸?无法让自己在入眠,竟然凌晨4点多起来看电视。#%#*#*
今早无法起身准备早餐,直睡到 10点多。。。。。。

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


It's been nearly 5 months and I am still UNPRODUCTIVE. Thus, I've been searching around for short courses and found out Japanese and Korean learning are quite popular here. After much consideration and "courage" (yeah, study needs courage!), I signed up a short course to learn basic Japanese.
From this Friday onwards, I will be attending class on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6.30pm to 9.30pm for around three months. As per agreed, they let me to suspense my course if I am away for long period or replace to any class if I skip my initial class. Hehe, this is my main concern. O_O

Will I continue for my job searching? Frankly, I don't see my chance to get one. Just let's see and wait for my CALL.

Monday, 23 March 2009


再某年某月的某一天,我又多了一系列。 如没有错,那应该是蓝本。


Friday, 20 March 2009


为了上海世博要来的朋友们, 先来介绍吉祥物,它叫海宝!





3 things

There are always 3 things that inevitable to be part of my daily life.

First is TV. Whenever I am home alone, I will switch on the TV even I am not watching it. Perhaps I just don't want to be too quiet and lonely at home.

Second is water heater. I just can't live without it. I used to shower with hot water in Malaysia no matter how hot the weather is. Bascially, I shower twice a day and wash my hair everyday. People said the summer in Shanghai is humid and heat you the utmost. Maybe I get the chance to take cold shower. Let's see.

Third is washing machine. Well, it's just very simple because I don't like to wash clothes and basically I throw everything into the washing machine. O_o

Recently, I found out a new type of washing machine in market and I am totally fall in love with that :P. My friend said I am crazy. Due to new release, it's still very expensive and costs around RMB7,899.... (the picture besides)

Can you trace it in Malaysia or Singapore for this type of washing machine?

Monday, 16 March 2009


今天整理了衣橱,搬了那些上班, 比较 formal 的衣服出来。还记得衣服刚运来时,开开心心的把它们挂上,现在已四个月了,英雄无用武之地,放在衣橱里霸了空间,也多了一尘灰,那只好收起来, 放去冷藏橱,有待一日再见光明。

你有工作,你不愿做或你放长假和像我这样找不到工,其实在心理上,有大大的不同。会觉得,我好像很差,feel like unwanted and useless,没有主要的生活目标,加上纳闷,自闭,应该会忧郁。

很多人都说非常羡慕我,不用工作。 我也很羡慕他们,有工作。看人家的往往都比自己好, 人就是这样。还好,非常感谢发明 internet 的伟人,我还可以上上网,和友人聊天,发发牢骚。 还好,大少爷还会说,你没有“工”,可是有“公”。
