Friday, 27 February 2009



说真的,看完以后,有点大失所望,好像被欺骗的感觉。以为会有交响乐团在旁,可是音乐是播放的; 虽然芭蕾舞团跳得很好,但故事情节有点乏闷,间中大少爷和友人差点要被周爷爷叫去下棋了。在观赏中,是不可以拍照的,在黑暗中拿起手机或camera可以被发觉到的,工作人员要不停的将 laser light 照着那些人,叫他们停止,可是有些人就是没教养,有些还要重复两三次,真的 @#*&¥· !!

不过,我想我应该不会再看芭蕾舞了,还是比较喜欢 musical type, 有跳舞,有唱歌那些。

Monday, 23 February 2009

包子访 : 小杨生煎馆

生煎包也是万万不可 miss out 的上海小食之一。 上海小笼特产,有蒸,有煎。 有如蒸汤包,包内也有汤汁,只是皮厚一点,因为要拿去煎嘛。生煎的美味特点 :底脆,味鲜,汤多。

我只吃过小杨生煎,真的很好吃。脆脆的底皮,热腾腾的汤汁,香香的肉馅和芝麻,一级棒!小杨生煎馆有好几间分行,黄河路,南京路都可以找到。当然也免不了要排队,尤其是在 peak hour。听说别家的也很好,是时候来个上海生煎拜访团,看哪家比较好吃。不过,每人的口味不同,见仁见智。

包子访 : 佳家汤包

上海著名小笼包,无人不知; 在上海也无所不在。 小笼包也叫汤包,因包内含有汤汁,咬一小口,慢慢吸出汤汁,再点个醋和姜丝一起吃,简直是 uhhhh ahhhhh ho chiak! 可是好吃的汤包哪里找。通常我们都钟爱鼎泰丰的小笼包,皮薄馅香, 汤汁也可口, 只是价格偏高。在那吃一笼, 可以在外的小馆吃三,四笼。

周末,友人带了我们去了一家要排队的小馆,叫佳家汤包(在黄河路)。 真的还不少人在排队, 连老外也排,应该是有名声,价格也好便宜。 我们大约三点多去,普通汤包都说卖完了,只有蟹粉鲜肉和纯蟹粉。 那我们就叫了一笼蟹粉鲜肉。 只是好奇怪,这些汤包都是现包,现蒸,虾仁,鸡丁会卖完,蟹粉鲜肉还有,为什么纯鲜肉也会没有呢,动一动脑筋吧。尝一尝,味道还不错,不过里面的汤和肉馅都好油啊,我不小心把汤汁逼出来,弄到了我的包包,呜呜。。。现在还有油迹,呜呜。。。

如果要便宜又不错, 佳家汤包可以是首选。

Sunday, 22 February 2009

A Belated Valentine's Dinner

This must thanks to Twister giving me inspiration to cook the lamb. I always wanted to buy the lamb racks but don't know how to cook until I saw Twister's post. I gave it a try and turned out to be quite good.

A candle light dinner come with the main course and dessert. Anyone keen to try?

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Wa Si Hokkien Lang

Wa si Hokkien lang yo! Wa chiak Hokkien Mee yo!
This Hokkien Mee aka prawn noodles can be found in a restaurant called Fusion in Shanghai. Fusion is quite well known among Malaysians / Singaporeans who are in Shanghai as it serves South East Asia Cuisane. You may find laksa, satay, bak kut teh, char keoy teow, nasi lemak, roti canai etc etc in Fusion. Although the taste is not exactly perfect but when you are away from home and when you see these familiar dishes, you will still treasure it and jump into joy to order everything in the menu. It's called "bo hu he pun hor" = there is something better than nothing. Overall, this Hokkien Mee is still acceptable.

Friday, 20 February 2009


今天看了twister的双皮奶,哦有这样一道甜品,我少见多怪。看一看原料,啊我还有一包奶,一粒蛋。 一向喜爱甜品的我立刻兴起,就有样学样,也不知道对不对。弄好了,现在放进冰厨, 冷一冷, 今晚就知道。


我发一发牢骚,友人们就赠我几句, 好,那我也洗耳恭听。

甲说: 做太太不好吗? 可以去逛逛街,去 gym, 叹一叹 high tea, 不用为了赚钱烦。
乙说: 我多么希望如此,可以陪陪孩子,烹饪佳肴给家人。
丙说: 看一人的颜色,好过做工看很多人的颜色。


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

厚味香辣馆 - How Way Restaurant

Today, I had a great lunch with a friend. I met her at Nanjing Street ( 南京路 ) near her office and she brought me to this How Way Restaurant, Sizhuan style - 厚味香辣馆. They have a lunch set meal which cost RMB69 (for 4-5 persons). It comes with 4 dishes, a soup of the day, free flow of tea and rice. Isn't it sound exciting? Moreover, you have 4 sets of choices. We ordered one set, even though just two of us. The dishes are SUPERB. Except for the oily part (as usual in Shanghai), the taste and the spicy feeling, 麻辣 is just great if you want the desire to burn and numb your tongue. I love the brinjals taste. Of cause, we couldn't finish the meal and I "taopao" them back to continue the burning sensation for my stomach.

From top left (clockwise) : 馋嘴牛蛙 - Tam chiak bullfrog,油焖茄子 - Oil Braised Brinjals ?!?,干香鱼头 Dried fried Fish Head,丝土豆 - Slice potato


哟哟。。。 是时候发花癫了。。。

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

My Beloved Braised Chicken with Potato - 薯仔鸡

Long time ago when I studied in Perth, my housemate used to cook a dish called 薯仔鸡. It's one of my favourite. As I am picking my cooking now, I tried to recall how she cooked this dish. Apparently, it still turned out GOOD without any recipe reference. Ha! Yen Yen, can you see it?
I fried the garlic and small onion, subsequently with the chicken and potato awhile. Then, put into a pot, add some water, oyster sauce, dark soya sauce and sugar. Small heat until the chicken is cooked.


应该是从小被纵惯了, 一餐都要至少三样菜式。虽然只有两个人吃, 自己下厨,怎样都会弄个三样东西, 有时开个 red bean, sardine 也好。
来个苦瓜炒咸蛋, 这里的咸蛋卖的都是煮熟了,所以炒了蛋瓜分明,不好看;
是不是有进步?有它一日,我应该可以请我朋友来吃,不过风险也挺高的,不打紧,我家有很多 maggie mee。




曾经何时, 我以为我是可以的;
曾经何时, 我以为我的工作质素还不错;

Monday, 16 February 2009

A Western Sunday Brunch

Last Sunday, we had a lovely western brunch at Commune in 田子坊. It's quite a popular cafe there and often packed with people. They are famous for their BIG cup of coffee where you can order as double. You may see a lot of foreigners hanging around this place and you will hear all purely English speakers. Even their menus are in English as well.
We ordered a "Big Breakfast" (RMB68) which only serves on Sunday, it comes with two slices of toasts, three eggs, mushrooms and potato and a lasagna (RMB40). The lasagna comes in a pot which pretty big in portion. Overall, it's a great brunch until I couldn't eat until the rest of the day.


If you want to have a peaceful and not so Chinese day in Shanghai, perhaps you may go to this place called 田子坊 (Tian Zi Fang). It is originated as a workplace for China artists and the display of their paintings. Eventually, the neighborhood also converted to commercial shops. You walk around the neighborhood like treasure hunt, those shops may hide at the end of the lane or just a small staircase for you to go up second floor. A lot of unique shops sells things from all over the world and a lot of western restaurants where you can stop by to have a sip of coffee or tea. The paintings here at least are more humane, at least I can understand compared to what I saw in 莫干山路 - Moganshan Road which I wrote in previous blog. This place is full of artistic and characters. It's a decent place for photography too. I like it very much. If you have half day to spare in Shanghai, this place is highly recommended.


西方情人节,我们过了一晚亚洲夜晚餐。几天前,我突然很想吃越南餐。 在点评 (, 中国一个出名的美食指南网站)做了搜查后,选了一家在淮海中路,中环广场的金牛苑,评语有4 星,应该不错吧。于是我们在当天打了电话预约,可是人太多,他们不收预约,叫我们大约 7.30 左右可以来。 还好吧,其实这里的人通常都很早吃晚餐,6点就开始,那7点多就刚刚好我们的时间,行!
到了金牛苑,发觉有点好像茶餐厅,桌椅非常拥挤。不过为了吃,我们还是坐下来,点了一个越南拼盘和牛肉面,所谓的 pho。食物来到,越南春卷是炸的,给了普通的鱼丸,点酱也没味道。牛肉面也不过是非常一般 ,用的粉也是普通河粉。如果当它是普通食物,其实还不错。不过如果是越南餐, 那就非常的不行!!!! 啊,多么想念 KL 的 Sao Nam,Vietnamese's Kitchen, 这间有点不知所谓。。。。。。

于是我们决定去别间吃甜品,到了附近的鹿港冰镇(Belagio),之前吃过一次,甜品非常的棒!鹿港是台湾餐馆, 食物都非常不错。还有一特点,那里的女服务员全都是 boy cut。我们叫了一个“芒果神冰” 和 “芋头芒果雪花冰“。 它们的雪花冰真的是棒, 薄薄的冰四雪花,放在口即溶,大大推荐 : 芝麻花生雪花冰 !!! 那晚应该是8-10度,不管啦,都是那越南餐 @#*&#

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Happy Valentine

I baked a cheese cake the day before. It turned to be a little bit sour because I put too much lemon juice. Oppssss but if you take one little bite at a time, it's still okay. Here you are, a little cake for all my beloved friends and wish you all Happy Valentine's Day.

*It looks cacat a bit cause I can't to cut it smoothly. Pai Seh arrr... :P


昨天,一个在上海呆了五年的朋友带我去见识见识。这富丽堂皇的 lobby 就是上海的钱柜 - Karaokae。Reception 似 hotel lobby。装修惊人,有三层楼,好歹也有百间厢房。朋友说如果有一天它日回乡了,她会想念的上海其中一样,就是这个。这里的麦克风和音响都很好,不管你的声音多烂,也能唱出动听的歌。不过,五音不全的我,还是发挥不到,实在是太烂 !!一惯的我,只有听歌,不过也及 enjoy。

钱柜消费不便宜,,厢房和饮料另计,都要 RMB100 以上。听说其他的 Karaokae 会便宜些。热爱 Karaokae 的朋友,来到上海不妨试一试。

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Highest degree

Can you see it? This is the first time I encounter the highest degree since I am here. Ohh ya, I've been hiding my two pairs of lovely legs and meaty arms since I got here. I am so sick of the turtle neck shirts, long sleeves and long pants. I guess it's the time to let them out to see and feel the sunshine!



Wednesday, 11 February 2009


救命呀,我炒的米粉为什么不好吃??!!!??? 昨晚炒了米粉,有斋米粉的味道,不知道是不是我加了 Worcestershire sauce, 还有放酱油,盐,黑酱油,糖。。。,有小虾,carrot, 为什么?? 为什么?? 大师傅,请你教教我。
其实,不是很难吃,还是可以咽下口,只是味道怪怪,没有我要的味道。。。:~(, 可怜,我第一次炒米粉,不会量份量, 炒多了,应该还会成我的午,晚餐。。。


随随便便,炒了长豆;开了一罐 red bean。

第一次蒸排骨,用了李锦记的蒜蓉豆鼓酱及生粉腌几小时,大火蒸20分钟。哦, 原来那么容易。不过,有点油。

那汤圆呢?。。。。 我忘了煮,现在还冰箱里快活生存。。。。

Monday, 9 February 2009

我的天堂 - 任天堂

Finally, I got my new toy - Nintendo WII. I've been thinking to buy it for so long actually. We brought back a set for a friend during Chinese New Year. That time, I already tempted to buy but still as usual, I am still hovering around and indecisive. Yesterday, we were back to the IT mall to exchange a default Nintendo WII gun which also bought earlier on for my godson. Ha, this time, we got back a set for our own. Even though Chew Chin didn't say any specific reason to get me a set but I guess this should be the Valentine's gift. Thank you so much. Hopefully I won't be playing until forget to cook for him. Maybe one of the reasons he bought for me because I can stay put at home and do less shopping. Nevermind, now this is my new heaven, 任天堂.

Little Hot Pot - 新色煮艺

和朋友约了好几次吃火锅,都不成,今天终于如愿以尝。 午餐,我们去了一家名叫 "新色煮艺" 的中国时尚火锅, 靠近蒲东八百伴。 一进去餐馆, 哦, 好暗。。。 餐馆的布置一片漆黑, 屋顶及地上都黑灰色, 桌布也用黑色。 每一桌都有一盏吊灯,每桌的隔离窗帘是一条条的红色线. 真的好时尚! 中国吃火锅通常都会一人一锅, 这样比较卫生, 也可以吃自己喜欢的锅底口味. 我们各自叫了,新色鲜辣锅(精选优质新鲜辣椒与秘制香油精心熬制而成), 真的不是开玩笑的辣, 新色醉美锅 (绍兴陈年花雕与海鲜融合熬制), 气蒸大骨汤锅。它们也有极品鳄鱼锅(没胆量试),马来肉骨茶锅(没信心试)。
配菜呢,叫了牛肉,羊肉,梅花鹿肉, 精品鱼虾丸,各类菇,娃娃菜及茼茴菜。看一看照片就明白。其中的虾丸是巧克力夹心。。。 巧克力还是当 dessert 好!

吃了这一餐, 晚餐也省下了。这家火锅都不太便宜,应该是火锅的 fine dine,每人消费,RMB100, 不过也吃的精致。食物排的美美,看了开心,吃了也开心。哦忘了,我们有一杯免费酸酸甜甜的洛阳神花茶来开胃。

Thursday, 5 February 2009

I hate to eat alone !

Chew Chin always come home late and the "late" usually will be like after 10, thus I always eat by myself after I cook. My dinner companion at home usually be the TV or the laptop. 3 meals a day with them. I feel so pathetic.

Today is my vege day and I cooked 3 dishes. I am eating dinner while blogging... goshhh.... Not sure when will I go crazy by looking at the four walls and laptop most of the time :~(.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

百福自庄严,大愿悉成满 - 静安寺

今天我去了静安寺站(地铁二号线)逛逛。那边有名店,久光百货及闻名的静安寺。 到了上海两个月,第一次拜访这里的庙。哦,发觉春节祈福入门票,RMB50, 哇赛!我听说中国的寺庙都要付入门票, 不知道那么贵。你看照片,就知道不愿付钱的我,只在外徘徊。。。 (怪不得,我早不到工,因为我不拜这里的佛脚)
回家 google 了一下, 才知道寺内藏有八大山人名画、文征明真迹《琵琶行》行草长卷及南宋淳熙十年(公元1183年)光宗赵当太子时为学士钱良臣所题“云汉照国之阁”石刻等珍贵文物。。。。 有大雄宝殿、天王殿、三圣殿。。。 最重要的是,平常的入门票是 RMB20。不用紧,来日方长。

Tuesday, 3 February 2009


回家乡,差不多每餐都是大鱼大肉,三珍海味。其实我们只是想吃路边的炒馃条,经济米粉, mamak的香蕉叶饭,印度煎饼,没办法啦,过年就是这样。 回到上海,这两天都吃得很清淡,想清一清肚子。昨天不小心把饭煮到太软,太湿, 哈哈,sumimaseh(还得煮过)....... 今天就变成了我家大少爷的早餐和我的午餐,加点水煮一煮, 开个菜心,加个花生,榨菜,sambal虾米, 肯定可以再来一碗。

Steam Potato - 烤地瓜

In a cold winter, the most ideal food is something hot and warm like THIS. Too bad my camera is not professional enough to capture the hot steam flow out from the potato or I am too dumb with my skills. Yes, I am it eating with sugar :) hehe and tonight Chew Chin will hear me keep "boop boop boop".

Sunday, 1 February 2009

"Bu Lang Sai"

大年初一,两只狮子来拜年, 其中一只也姓郭。