Monday, 30 March 2009


友人来上海游玩,一起去了世纪公园赏花。美好的天气,凉风阵阵吹, 不过现在的天气还是有点冷。公园好大,之前走了一整天,有点懒惰,于是租了所谓的四人逍遥车, RMB80/hour 一辆。可惜忘了带相机,友人的SLR camera 电池又 flat了,只好用手机。有人陪你癫,发花癫,是很不错的!

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Paparazzi Weekend

It's tired to be paparazzi. Good Night !

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Mexican Canai Burrito

Yesterday, we had a Mexican Canai Burrito Night. Yipa yipa angkeleh......

My friend recommended me a grocery shop in Citibank Building, name CitiShop. Citishop sells a lot of imported goods especially western goodies. While I was checking out their things, found out this burrito seasoning mix. Since I have bought frozen "roti canai" last week, thus decided to have mixed culture combination. During evening time, I happily called Chew Chin and told him tonight to be back earlier as I cook "ho liao". Haha, actually he is just a white mice of mine.

It's pretty easy. Stir fried the chicken strips with onion, pour in the mixed seasoning with water. Let it boils around 10 minutes and till the sauce is thicken. I have bought some frozen potato wedges as well, just put it in the oven for 25 minutes, sprinkles some cheese on top. Dinner is served!


一向 light sleep 的我,本来每次因为大少爷的鼻鼾声而半夜会醒,通常都会摇一摇他,昨夜还为了大少爷的沉沉呼吸声而我无法入眠,难道叫他不用呼吸?无法让自己在入眠,竟然凌晨4点多起来看电视。#%#*#*
今早无法起身准备早餐,直睡到 10点多。。。。。。

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


It's been nearly 5 months and I am still UNPRODUCTIVE. Thus, I've been searching around for short courses and found out Japanese and Korean learning are quite popular here. After much consideration and "courage" (yeah, study needs courage!), I signed up a short course to learn basic Japanese.
From this Friday onwards, I will be attending class on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6.30pm to 9.30pm for around three months. As per agreed, they let me to suspense my course if I am away for long period or replace to any class if I skip my initial class. Hehe, this is my main concern. O_O

Will I continue for my job searching? Frankly, I don't see my chance to get one. Just let's see and wait for my CALL.

Monday, 23 March 2009


再某年某月的某一天,我又多了一系列。 如没有错,那应该是蓝本。


Friday, 20 March 2009


为了上海世博要来的朋友们, 先来介绍吉祥物,它叫海宝!





3 things

There are always 3 things that inevitable to be part of my daily life.

First is TV. Whenever I am home alone, I will switch on the TV even I am not watching it. Perhaps I just don't want to be too quiet and lonely at home.

Second is water heater. I just can't live without it. I used to shower with hot water in Malaysia no matter how hot the weather is. Bascially, I shower twice a day and wash my hair everyday. People said the summer in Shanghai is humid and heat you the utmost. Maybe I get the chance to take cold shower. Let's see.

Third is washing machine. Well, it's just very simple because I don't like to wash clothes and basically I throw everything into the washing machine. O_o

Recently, I found out a new type of washing machine in market and I am totally fall in love with that :P. My friend said I am crazy. Due to new release, it's still very expensive and costs around RMB7,899.... (the picture besides)

Can you trace it in Malaysia or Singapore for this type of washing machine?

Monday, 16 March 2009


今天整理了衣橱,搬了那些上班, 比较 formal 的衣服出来。还记得衣服刚运来时,开开心心的把它们挂上,现在已四个月了,英雄无用武之地,放在衣橱里霸了空间,也多了一尘灰,那只好收起来, 放去冷藏橱,有待一日再见光明。

你有工作,你不愿做或你放长假和像我这样找不到工,其实在心理上,有大大的不同。会觉得,我好像很差,feel like unwanted and useless,没有主要的生活目标,加上纳闷,自闭,应该会忧郁。

很多人都说非常羡慕我,不用工作。 我也很羡慕他们,有工作。看人家的往往都比自己好, 人就是这样。还好,非常感谢发明 internet 的伟人,我还可以上上网,和友人聊天,发发牢骚。 还好,大少爷还会说,你没有“工”,可是有“公”。


Thursday, 12 March 2009



Wednesday, 11 March 2009


那,要烧鸡还是白斩鸡? 白斩鸡(因为我喜欢吃。。。。。。)

Monday, 9 March 2009



周末去了杭州一趟,来了将近四个月,还是第一次外出上海。选了一团去西溪湿地公园(湿地= wetlands) 看梅花。怎知人还多过花, “非诚勿扰“ 也是在那里拍摄。

Friday, 6 March 2009


托朋友的福,让我有机会去了宋庆龄故居纪念馆。其实,我对中国历史有点白痴,从三国演义时代,有哪几个朝代,什么朝代有什么皇帝都不是很清楚,唐宋明清,康熙乾隆,都是在戏里知道。还好,这里的节目有时会播历史人物介绍,刚好这个星期是宋家故事,也让我知道了宋家背景。又刚好去了宋庆龄故居,才知道宋庆龄故人的伟大。 纪念馆里有历史介绍,宋庆龄故人对国家的贡献,图片,录影以及生活的点点滴滴,还可以访她的故居和生活地方。故居里有一片漂亮的花园,鸟语花香。虽然书是说靠近衡山路地铁站,但我们都走了好远,差不多1km,入门票是RMB20。有兴趣者,不妨一游。

First PK visit

Ha! Kim Hooi, my first PK friend who came and visited me in Shanghai. She and her boyfriend joined tour and extended 3 day stays in Shanghai. However, they came at the wrong timing as it's still very cold in Shanghai, raining and gloomy weather. Look at the white penguin !

Yesterday, we had our dinner at a restaurant called 滴水洞, 湖南湘菜馆。Ha! See our happy faces for the meet up.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Dare to Eat?

Look at the last row of English description. Do you dare to order if you don't know Mandarin?

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


才两天, 每天三餐温饱, 不,非常饱!
才两天, 原来有妈妈在家里是万能的, 尤其是在厨房!
才两天, 我觉得我肥了, 不, 应该是肥了,坐下来, 多了一圈肉!

Monday, 2 March 2009


我家大少爷一口气在鹿港小镇买了十粒台式肉粽,在店里吃RMB16一个, 外带只是RMB10,买十粒并多送甜辣酱。大少爷是 typical Malaysian stomach,早餐是咸口味,不能天天面包,麦片,pancake, cereals; 最好来个炒米粉,汤面,nasi lemak, roti canai, 但我无能为力。那肉粽就是他的早餐。

还好,家婆,家翁来了,应该可以两天搞惦那十粒台式肉粽, 不然肥死我了。


First Experience of Maglev

MAGLEV, or magnetic levitation, is a system of transportation that suspends, guides and propels vehicles, predominantly trains, using levitation from a very large number of magnets for lift and propulsion. Shanghai Maglev train is the first commercial high speed maglev line in the world. I've been traveled back for two times but still didn't get to try on it. It is because maglev passengers are more suitable for those who travel light and alone due to the inconvenient location and price. As the train will stop at the Longyang terminus, at Pudong then from there you will either transfer to use subway or take cab to your destination, vice versa and it's still quite a distance from the city centre. One way pricing of Maglev is RMB50. The advantage of the maglev is it only take approximately 8 minutes to reach airport from Longyang terminus (by road is around 45 minutes, i guess) and the maximum speed reaches 431 km/h.

A "sua gu" like me when I kept taking the speed photos, there were a few starring eyes. Really sumimaseh.....