Sunday 23 August 2009

Whatever will be will be

Long long ago, a daddy asked a son,
"What you want to be when you grow up?"
"..... I ... I want to be a girl....."
"WHAT??!?? You are a boy, cannot be a girl, you can choose either to be a doctor, a lawyer..."
"I want to be a doctor"
"Ok, good boy!" (Daddy *sweat*)

Not long ago, a son talked to a mummy
"Mummy, I want to be a bumble bee."
"Why you want to be a bumble bee?"
"Because I can fly here and fly there."
"Oh, good." (At least not a GIRL, *phew*)

Recently, the mummy showed a new pair of high heels to the son,
"Hey, the shoes nice or not?"
"Yes, Mummy. I want to have it."
"Ohh.. you cannot have it"
"Because you are a boy boy, only girl girl can wear this."
"Then, I want to be a girl girl when I grow up."
Ohh no Mummy is having cold feet again.......

Who knows, one day maybe he will become SECOND Jimmy Choo.


  1. he is my FIRST JOEY TAN!!!

    did u watch Mcdull? this remind me of that movie, hahaha...that's a school party next day, the theme of the party is to wear the outfit of the person u wanna be, wearing like a doctor, lawyer etc...Mcdull doesnt hv a pants to wear, he asked his schoolmate what to do, then his schoolmate told him, if so, then u can become OL Office Lady, Office Lady doesnt hv to wear pants...

    whatever/whoever a person is, the most important thing is ORIGINALITY

  2. que sera sera, whatever will be will be...
