Wednesday, 29 April 2009


回到家乡了,但有点忙。 一回到家,老爸竟然叫我拿他的公事包去医院; 见了他,竟然一一交待我办事。是好事,因为我可以让老爸信任; 是坏事,是否老爸身旁没有能让他交待的人。

其实我不是一个称职的女儿。妹妹每晚都去医院陪老爸,如果我在,是不是有这种能耐。老爸希望女儿们都在身旁,可是我早早就计划逃之夭夭。孩子当中,我应该是最不贴心一个, 在外闯荡徘徊,都不愿回家。回了家三年,嫁了又和夫君远走高飞。 呜呼哀哉。。。。。。


Tuesday, 21 April 2009


爸病了,肝发炎, 不能进食,进院治疗了。
眼睛又开始痛了, 每当这时候,心情简直差级了!!
Life is so sucks.................

Sunday, 19 April 2009

I need to go HEALTH



去颐和园, 收财气;
去恭王府 (

希望如此,重要的是,和重要的人一起,家人朋友, 快乐,平安,健康!


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Hiccups before departure

My flight to Beijing was delayed due to foggy weather. Some flights were canceled on the previous night and when we reached the airport the following morning around 7.30am, the departure hall was full of people and all flights had been delayed to further notice. The arrival hall was totally cleared as no landing flights at all for about 3-4 hours as well as departure flights.
Our flight had been delayed about 7 hours. I guess that day Pudong Airport was in havoc because they need to re-arrange the delayed flights and also the normal scheduled flights.
First hiccup : Barriers in zigzag line can be break though. One zigzag line in queue can actually split into various lines and line directly to the counters. Brrhhhh TIC ----> This is China.

Second hiccup : Our same gate "partner", Wenzhou flight was landed in Hongjiao Airport and passengers were asked to go there by bus provided by airline. People started to questioning:

我们人在这里,为什么飞机去虹矫? (All passangers are here, why the plane went to Hongjiao?) - They really don't understand why the plane cannot board or just don't want to understand??!!??

叫你们的领导来,你不能做主,你给我滚!(Ask your management to come, if you can't have a say, just go!) *经理来了* 你能不能做主,如果不能,也给我滚!(*The manager came* If you can't have a say, you also GO! I want to see your top management) - speechless

飞机是死的,人是活的,就不能安排飞机过来,为什么我们要过去?(Literally saying, plane is dead object, human is active, you can make arrangement, why we have to go?) - even speechless
Third hiccup : Finally, we got in our plane, however still need to wait for our time slot to fly. People get frustrated and started to stand up and scold. The pilot actually had to come out and talked to those people. Some good ones that commented by those people:

为什么要等这样久?都已经好了,还不能飞?(Why we can't fly now since we already ready?) - Again, they don't understand and just simply don't want to understand why the plane needs to wait !

这样久,我不要飞了,我要退票,退票!!! (I don't want to wait anymore, I don't want to fly, I want refund, I want to get down!!!!) - huh, you are already on board

It's a true experience to see how these people scolding and beyond words to describe it. You need a very high EQ to handle those locals. Really tough to answer those questions and seriously need you to think OUT of the box.

Back from Beijing Trip

I am back from Beijing trip. Totally exhausted and tired. It was a great trip overall and I am so busy now.
Busy to unpack and do the laundry.
Busy to get enough rest for my tiring legs and body.
Busy to upload my photos and share my trip.
Busy to check facebook and other friends' status when I was away.
Busy to read blogs and update my blog.
Busy to refill my fridge and grocery.
Busy to do visiting to my cousin's family.
Busy to apply jobs again.
Busy to buy things from Taobao for friends and myself.
Most importantly, busy to pack again for my trip back to hometown end of this MONTH.
Hip hip horay....... :D

Friday, 10 April 2009

Or Or , おいし (Black black, oishi)

Those who know me well would definitely know that I love food with black soya sauce. The darker the better ! FYI, there isn't any store selling the black soya sauce in Shanghai. I was looking high and low from Walmart, Lotus, Carrefour to Citishop, and no sign at all. Thus, I managed to bring back a bottle when my last trip back for CNY and I am so glad with it. :D
Here my favourite dish with black soya sauce, Or Bak with Potatoes , oishi !!!!

Thursday, 9 April 2009


上 回去了宋庆龄故居,这次也应该去她的伟人丈夫,孙中山故居。友人的阿公曾经是前国名党和三民主义青年团党员。 阿公也在槟城创办了孙中山博物院,因为经费问题,博物院还没正式开幕,不过也会开放给有兴趣的公众。 友人来到了上海,去了孙中山故居,也应该照个相给阿公看一看。故居里都告诉我们孙中山的革命历史,很佩服这伟人的远见在于发展中国内地的交通线和主要的经济概念。
不过,老实说,比较吸引我们的是那美丽的后院,人也寥寥无几,我们都很开心的轮流拍照, bollywood 一番,哈。。。。。。

Wishes From Far Away Land

I have some friends who always send postcards while they travel and I am always lucky to be one of the recipients. I just received one postcard from Mexico the day before and so excited. I thought it was the recent trip that my friend went and was wondering why this time the postcard arrived so fast. Manatahu, when I read the content, it's written "......I hope this postcard arrives before CNY and Gong Xi FaCai......" I was like errr errrr, OK.
Apparently, there are always delay in mail via postcards. I received a postcard from Malaysia which took one month and another one from Tanzania and it took about three months. Why is it taking so long for postcard to arrive? I think they must have detour to "Holland" then only come to Shanghai.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


为了坐那已包在屋租的免费班车 (刚好会停在大少爷公司附近, 每10分钟一趟),我必须在六点送去,赶在七点前最后班车。那只好随随便便来个番茄蛋,炒个长豆和猪柳青椒海鲜酱。还可以吧?

Monday, 6 April 2009

南汇桃花村 Peach Blossom

Flowers flowers, YES FLOWERS !!!!

Sunday, 5 April 2009








Saturday, 4 April 2009


就因为甲友人有access to Executive Floor Lounge

我们真的被雷到了,真的言语无法形容,只能 WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH。。。。。。